Mindset Academy
Blog: I'm Feeling Stressed... Again.
It's not a feeling I enjoy, and unfortunately, it's been quite common lately. I keep telling myself that the reason I feel stressed is money, but the truth is that money is just the device that's triggering "something" that results in my feeling stressed.
Video: Helping My Partner Have Less Arguments With Their Parents
When your partner has a challenging relationship with their parents, what can you possibly do to help them? Jan and Monika discuss this sensitive topic and share why it’s a bad idea to help your partner.
Video: How To Listen When The Tone Isn't Nice
How do you let them know their tone is not working for you? This episode of Relationship 911 takes a surprising turn when Monika shares something personal to Jan as he handles it in a way that you can do to your partner as well.
Video: How To Get Your Partner To Talk With You
Have you ever wondered why your partner doesn't talk often, and you're bothered by it? Jan and Moinka shares their experiences and share tips on how to give more room for your partners to talk.
Video: How to Deal With Disappointment With Your Partner?
Are you disappointed with your partner all the time? In this episode of Relationship 911, Jan and Monika discuss disappointment within a relationship, where it comes from and how to correct it.
Video: How Do I Spice Up My Relationship
In this episode, Jan and Monika answer the most common question asked by couples. Watch as Monika shares the most obvious answer to this question, and what Jan's take to spice things up from time to time.
Video: How To Deal With Distracted Partners
Do you find that every time you want to tell your partner something important, they're looking down at their phone? Jan and Monika provide some suggestions on how to deal with a distracted partner!
Video: How To Deal With Anxiety In Your Relationship
Is it normal to become more anxious when starting a new relationship? In this Relationship 911, Jan and Monika share their thoughts on why your anxiety can be mistaken for excitement.
Video: How To Find The One
How do you find your significant other? In this episode of Relationship 911, Jan and Monika discuss both traditional and new ways of finding the person you want to be with for the rest of your life.
Video: Can A Rebound Relationship Work?
Are you in the position right now to enter a rebound relationship? In this episode, Jan and Monika answer the myth of whether a rebound relationship can work, and what to expect.
Blog: Your Guide to Life
So first I don’t mean to disappoint you, but the truth is…there is NO GUIDE TO LIFE. Never was, and there never will be. Why? Because my life is mine and your life is yours and we will not be able to agree on one single direction for anything forever.
BLOG: What Does Opportunity Cost You?
What is your opportunity cost of working out, of doing business, of relaxing, of achieving the success you want in work, relationships and for yourself?
Blog: Is Your Brain Ready To Be Stretched?
In my years of study, I have found that most people are reluctant to take in information that is inconsistent with what they have already concluded. Read more to see how this stops people!
BLOG: Everything You Need to Create a Successful Blog
Keeping your blog fresh, fun and interesting is part of the bloggers rule book!! Here are 10 amazing ideas for blog content. Try one, or try them all, and find what is easy and works best for you.
BLOG: The Psychology Behind Fighting and How to Stop
What do we do when it seems that fighting has become the fabric of our relationships, interwoven in a string of misunderstanding and desperation to fight it, fix it or flee from it?
BLOG: Are You Taking One Step at a Time?
A monumental goal can be broken down into very doable mini-goals. To achieve success, this is exactly what I subscribe to…
BLOG: Why is it so important to introduce ourselves to new things?
The more new things we experience in our lives, the more our brain is required to work outside of what it's familiar with, and consequently, we increase our neural plasticity.
BLOG: Top 10 Reasons to Travel the World
These top ten reasons to travel the world are not just concepts, they are at the very heart of the month long vacation and journey we are on as a family.
Blog: The single most derailing phenomenon in intimate relationships
A relationship is not intended to hurt you… rather we believe it is intended to help you grow, to up-level you, to shift you, to enhance you, to free you.
Are you sick of being locked up with your partner? You’re not alone! NBC's California Live's Amber Pfister talks with Monika about how to keep the peace and improve your relationship during the quarantine.