Free download:
Business Building Basics™

The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make
When Starting Their Own Business
(& how to avoid them)


Hi, I’m Monika!

As a life, business and relationship coach, my purpose is to spread love on the planet and help my clients live lives that they love. I'm a proactive parent, fitness fanatic, and the creator of transformational programs that help businesses thrive, save relationships, and get people out of their own way so they can step into their greatness.  That's why I created Business Building Basics.

Most people struggle with wanting to build their own business, but not knowing where to start. Many of them fall victim to common pitfalls that most entrepreneurs experience. In this lesson, I will show you the 3 biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when starting their own business, and how to avoid them. After learning this lesson, you will be able to totally transform the way you approach your business.  I can't wait to hear how you use this lesson to live a happier and more successful life.  

With love, Monika

“I definitely feel a huge relief and weight
being lifted and cannot wait to continue to practice and put everything I’ve learned into play!”

- TANIA ZUNIGA, Stockton, CA

“I have learned from both my own successes and failures and those of many others that it’s the boring stuff that matters the most. Startup success is not a consequence of good genes or being in the right place at the right time. Startup success can be engineered by following the right process, which means it can be learned, which means it can be taught.”

- Eric Ries, The Lean Startup

A happier, more successful life
is only a click away... 

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