Mindset Academy
Video: How To Deal With Distracted Partners
Do you find that every time you want to tell your partner something important, they're looking down at their phone? Jan and Monika provide some suggestions on how to deal with a distracted partner!
Video: How To Deal With Anxiety In Your Relationship
Is it normal to become more anxious when starting a new relationship? In this Relationship 911, Jan and Monika share their thoughts on why your anxiety can be mistaken for excitement.
Video: How To Find The One
How do you find your significant other? In this episode of Relationship 911, Jan and Monika discuss both traditional and new ways of finding the person you want to be with for the rest of your life.
Video: Can A Rebound Relationship Work?
Are you in the position right now to enter a rebound relationship? In this episode, Jan and Monika answer the myth of whether a rebound relationship can work, and what to expect.
BLOG: The Psychology Behind Fighting and How to Stop
What do we do when it seems that fighting has become the fabric of our relationships, interwoven in a string of misunderstanding and desperation to fight it, fix it or flee from it?
Video: Your Way Is Not The Only Way
9 out of 10 people got this relationship question wrong. Watch and see how you do.
Blog: Two Relationship Topics People Don’t Want to Talk About Until it’s Too Late
Most people want loving, fulfilling relationships… But how often do we avoid the confronting, uncomfortable topics that come along with them?
Blog: Let's Get Strategic About Intimacy
Whether you are currently in the relationship of your dreams, or you are seeking it, I wanted to let you know that YOU GET TO HAVE IT.
Blog: Your Relationship to Relationships
There are no shortage of relationships in your life. The list is pretty exhaustive for most of us. How do all of these relationships impact you?
Are you sick of being locked up with your partner? You’re not alone! NBC's California Live's Amber Pfister talks with Monika about how to keep the peace and improve your relationship during the quarantine.